Tag Archives: fidic red book 1999

Training FIDIC 1999 Contracts at Eurowindow

Ngày đăng: Sunday, 11/11/18 Người đăng: Admin

Following the successful workshop conducted in August 2018, CNC was invited by Eurowindow to present this FIDIC 1999 Contracts Course to its personnel in Hanoi in October 2018. The course helps to provide Eurowindow’s personnel solid understanding of FIDIC 1999 Contracts which are currently widely used around the globe during the last 18 years. This…

The 1999 FIDIC Contracts Training Course

Ngày đăng: Monday, 29/10/18 Người đăng: Admin

General Information CNC is proud to be a leading firm in Vietnam endlessly introducing the 1999 FIDIC contracts to Vietnamese Contractors, Employers and various Consultants. After 17 years of application in reality, the First Edition were revised by FIDIC in late 2017. Some notable changes in FIDIC Contract 2017 will be addressed to all attendees…