Vietnam Construction Contract

Ngày đăng: Sunday, 10/03/19 Người đăng: Vo Nhi

Introduction to construction contracts

In this article, CNC will list the Construction Contracts issued since 2005 so that interested readers can refer to, and realize the development history as well as the positive points and limitations when using Construction Contracts in Vietnam.


In addition, CNC also pointed out and pointed out the progress points of the contract form published by the Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) to help customers have a deeper perspective on construction contracts applied by many countries around the world.

The list of Construction Contracts issued until 2019 includes:

Form No. 01: Construction Planning Consultancy Contract (issued together with Circular 02/2005/TT-BXD)

Form No. 02: Construction Contract (issued together with Circular 02/2005/TT-BXD)

Form No. 03: EPC/Turnkey Contract (issued together with Circular 02/2005/TT-BXD)

Form No. 04: Construction Design Contract (issued together with Dispatch 2507/BXD-VP)

Form No. 05: Construction Contract (issued together with Dispatch 2508/BXD-VP)

Form No.06 : Construction Contract (issued together with Circular 09/2011-/TT-BXD)

History of the development of Construction Contracts in Vietnam

Vietnam’s law on construction contracts was relatively lackluster and primitive until Decree 16/2005/ND-CP and Circular 02/2005/TT-BXD and Decree 99/2007/ND-CP and Circular 06/2007/TT-BXD were born, the problems of construction contracts were specifically adjusted.

The most critical milestone of this time is that the Ministry of Construction issued two important decisions to guide construction contracts: (i) Decision 2507/QD-BXD: Guidance on consulting contracts; and (ii) Decision 2508/QD-BXD: Construction Contract Guidelines.

Subsequently, in order to formalize the regulation of construction contracts, Decree 48/2010 and Circular 09/2011/TT-BXD also introduce, mention and separately adjust the Construction Contract from the issues of construction project management.

After the 2014 Construction Law was issued, the Government and the Ministry of Construction inherited the previous regulations on construction contracts to issue Decree 37/2015 and most recently Circular 09/2016/TT-BXD detailing construction contracts.

Step Back of Construction Contract Law

There is no denying Vietnam’s efforts to change the law to elevate regulations from decisions to Decrees and Circulars, while separating different issues in operation to regulate separately.

However, it can be seen that the issuance of construction contract forms later has two outstanding features, namely (i) the succession between Decree 48/2010, Circular 09/2011/TT-BXD and Decree 37/2015 and Circular 09/2016/TT-BXD; and (ii) there are setbacks in those decrees and circulars compared to Decision 2507 and Decision 2508, particularly on matters such as:

  • The level of detail of the contract is reflected in the page number of the sample contract
  • Indicative subcontract
  • Contract validity
  • Structure of the contract

The Development of FIDIC Contract

After the first edition of the contract was introduced in 1957, FIDIC was constantly updating, changing, adapting and introducing new editions of construction contracts.

If the construction contract applied to traditional construction (Red Book 1987) introduces 72 clauses that partly show the complexity, not really suitable in terms of the content and structure of the FIDIC Contract at that time [1] then when the edition of the FIDIC 1999 contract was issued,  The contract structure has been simplified and arranged in a scientific, easy-to-follow and accessible sequence[2].

[1] Content of 1987 FIDIC Contract


Definitions and Interpretation

1.1 Definitions
1.2 Headings and Marginal Notes
1.3 Interpretation
1.4 Singular and Plural
1.5 Notices, Consents, Approvals, Certificates, and determinations
Engineer and Engineer’s Representative
2.1 Engineer’s Duties and Authority
2.2 Engineer’s Representative
2.3 Engineer’s Authority to Delegate
2.4 Appointment of Assistants
2.5 Instructions in Writing
2.6 Engineer to Act Impartially
Assignment and Subcontracting
3.1 Assignment of Contract
4.1 Subcontracting
4.2 Assignment of Subcontractors’ Obligations
Contract Documents
5.1 Language/s and Law
5.2 Priority of Contract Documents
6.1 Custody and Supply of Drawings and Documents
6.2 One Copy of Drawings to be Kept on Site
6.3 Disruption of Progres
6.4 Delays and Cost of Delay of Drawings
6.5 Failure by Contractor to Submit Drawings
7.1 Supplementary Drawings and Instructions
7.2 Permanent Works Designed by Contractor
7.3 Responsibility Unaffected by Approval
General Obligations
8.1 Contractor’s General Responsibilities
8.2 Site Operations and Methods of Construction
9.1 Contract Agreemen
10.1 Performance Security
10.2 Period of Validity of Performance Security
10.3 Claims under Performance Securit
11.1 Inspection of Site
12.1 Sufficiency of Tender
12.2 Not Foreseeable Physical Obstructions or Conditions
13.1 Work to be in Accordance with Contract
14.1 Programme to be Submitted
14.2 Revised Programme
14.3 Cash Flow Estimate to be Submitted
14.4 Contractor not Relieved of Duties or Responsibilities
15.1 Contractor’s Superintendence
16.1 Contractor’s Employees
16.2 Engineer at Liberty to Objec
17.1 Setting-out
18.1 Boreholes and Exploratory Excavation
19.1 Safety, Security and Protection of the Environment
19.2 Employer’s Responsibilities
20.1 Care of Works
20.2 Responsibility to Rectify Loss or Damage
20.3 Loss or Damage Due to Employer’s Risks
20.4 Employer’s Risks
21.1 Insurance of Works and Contractor’s Equipment
21.2 Scope of Cover
21.3 Responsibility for Amounts not Recovered
21.4 Exclusions
22.1 Damage to Persons and Property
22.2 Exceptions
22.3 Indemnity by Employer
23.1 Third Party Insurance (including Employer’s Property)
23.2 Minimum Amount of Insurance
23.3 Cross Liabilities
24.1 Accident or Injury to Workmen
24.2 Insurance Against Accident to Workmen
25.1 Evidence and Terms of Insurances
25.2 Adequacy of Insurances
25.3 Remedy on Contractor’s Failure to Insure
25.4 Compliance with Policy Conditions
26.1 Compliance with Statutes, Regulations
27.1 Fossils
28.1 Patent Rights
28.2 Royalties
29.1 Interference with Traffic and Adjoining Properties
30.1 Avoidance of Damage to Roads
30.2 Transport of Contractor’s Equipment or Temporary Works
30.3 Transport of Materials or Plant
30.4 Waterborne Traffic
31.1 Opportunities for Other Contractors
31.2 Facilities for Other Contractors
32.1 Contractor to Keep Site Clear
33.1 Clearance of Site on Completion
34.1 Engagement of Staff and Labour
35.1 Returns of Labour and Contractor’s Equipment
Materials, Plant and Workmanship
36.1 Quality of Materials, Plant and Workmanship
36.2 Cost of Samples
36.3 Cost of Tests
36.4 Cost of Tests not Provided for
36.5 Engineer’s Determination where Tests not Provided for
37.1 Inspection of Opeations
37.2 Inspection and Testing
37.3 Dates for Inspection and Testing
37.4 Rejection
37.5 Independent Inspection
38.1 Examination of Work before Covering up
38.2 Uncovering and Making Openings
39.1 Removal of Improper Work, Material or Plant
39.2 Default of Contractor in Compliance
40.1 Suspension of Work
40.2 Engineer’s Determination following Suspension
40.3 Suspension lasting more than 84 Days
Commencement and Delays
41.1 Commencement of Work
42.1 Possession of Site and Access Thereto
42.2 Failure to Give Possession
42.3 Rights of Way and Facilities
43.1 Time for Completion
44.1 Extension of Time for Completion
44.2 Contractor to Provide Notification and Detailed Particulars
44.3 Interim Determination of Extension
45.1 Restriction on Working Hours
46.1 Rate of Progress
47.1 Liquidated Damages for Delay
47.2 Reduction of Liquidated Damages
48.1 Taking-over Certificate or Parts
48.2 Taking-over of Sections or Parts
48.3 Substantial Completion of Parts
48.4 Surfaces Requiring Reinstatement
Defects Liability
49.1 Defects Liability Period
49.2 Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects
49.3 Cost of Remedying Defects
49.4 Contractor’s Failure to Carry Out Instructions
50.1 Contractor to Search
Alterations, Additions and Omissions
51.1 Variations
51.2 Instructions for Variations
52.1 Valuation of Valuations
52.2 Power of engineer to Fix Rates
52.3 Variations Exceeding 15 percent
52.4 Daywork
Procedure for Claims
53.1 Notice of Claims
53.2 Contemporary Records
53.3 Substantiation of Claims
53.4 Failure to Comply
53.5 Payment of Claims
Contractor’s Equipment, Temporary Works and Materials
54.1 Contractor’s Equipment, Temporary Works and Materials; Exclusive 25Use for the Works
54.2 Employer not Liable for Damage
54.3 Customs Clearance
54.4 Re-export of Contractor’s Equipment
54.5 Conditions of Hire of Contractor’s Equipment
54.6 Costs for the Purpose of Clause 63
54.7 Incorporation of Clause in Subcontracts
54.8 Approval of Materials not Implied
55.1 Quantities
56.1 Work to be Measured
57.1 Method of Measurement
57.2 Breakdown of Lump Sum Items
Provisional Sums
58.1 Definition of “Provisional Sum”
58.2 Nominated Subcontractors; Objection to Nomination
58.3 Production of Vouchers
Nominated Subcontractors
59.1 Definition of “Nominated Subcontractors”
59.2 Nominated Subcontractors; Objection to Nomination
59.3 Design Requirements to be Expressly Stated
59.4 Payments to Nominated Subcontractors
59.5 Certification of Payments to Nominated Subcontractors
Certificates and Payment
60.1 Monthly Statements
60.2 Monthly Payments
60.3 Payment of Retention Money
90.4 Correction of Certificates
60.5 Báo cáo vào lúc hoàn thành
60.6 Báo cáo quyết toán
60.7 Giải phóng trách nhiệm
60.8 Chứng nhận thanh toán sau cùng
60.9 Chấm dứt trách nhiệm của chủ đầu tư
60.10 Thời gian thanh toán
61.1 Chấp thuận bởi chứng nhận hết hạn bảo hành
62.1 Chứng nhận hết hạn bảo hành
62.2 Các nghĩa vụ chưa hoàn thành
63.1 Default of Contractor
63.2 Valuation at Date of Termination
63.3 Payment after Termination
63.4 Assignment of Benefit of Agreement
64.1 Urgent Remedial Work
Special Risks
65.1 No Liability for Special Risks
65.2 Special Risks
65.3 Damage to Works by Special Risks
65.4 Projectile, Missile
65.5 Increased Costs arising from Special Risks
65.6 Outbreak of War
65.7 Removal of Contractor’s Equipment on Termination
65.8 Payment if Contract Terminated
Release from Performance
66.1 Payment in Event of Release from Performance
Settlement of Disputes
67.1 Engineer’s Decision
67.2 Amicable Settlement
67.3 Arbitration
67.4 Failure to Comply with Engineer’s Decision
68.1 Notice to Contractor
68.2 Notice to Employer and Engineer
68.3 Change of Address
Default of Employer
69.1 Default of Employer
69.2 Removal of Contractor’s Equipment
69.3 Payment on Termination
69.4 Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work
69.5 Resumption of Work
Changes in Cost and Legislation
70.1 Increase or Decrease of Cost
70.2 Subsequent Legislation
Currency and Rates of Exchange
71.1 Currency Restrictions
72.1 Rayes of Exchange
72.2 Currency Propettions
72.3 Currencies of Payment for Provisional Sums

[2] Content of 1999 FIDIC Contract

Article FIDIC
Red Book Yellow Book Silver Book
1 General Provisions
2 The Employer
3 The Engineer The Employer’s Administration
4 The Contractor
5 Nominated Subcontractors Design
6 Staff and Labour
7 Plant, Materials and Workmanship
8 Commencement, Delays and Suspension
9 Tests on completion
10 Employer’s taking over
11 Defects Liability
12 Measurement and Evaluation Test after Completion
13 Variations and Adjustments
14 Contract price and Payment
15 Termination by Employer
16 Suspension and Termination by Contractor
17 Risk and Responsibility
18 Insurance
19 Force majeure
20 Claims, Distupes and Arbitration

Note: Yellow Book and Silver Book blank entries are the same as Red Book

Standard Structure of 1999 FIDIC Contract

Accordingly, the Standard Structure of 1999 FIDIC Contract includes the following groups:

Group 1: General provisions, including 1 clause

Group 2: Subject regulations, including 4 articles, are arranged in order from the Employer, the Engineer, to the designated Contractors and Nominated Subcontractors.

Group 3: Regulations on preparation for commencement, construction and completion, including 6 articles, are arranged in scientific order, from people to materials and equipment, to Commencement, Completion and Liability.

Group 4: The cost of the contract provisions, including 3 things arranged in scientific order, from measurement and variations to contract price and payment.

Group 5: Regulations on the right to suspend and terminate, including 2 articles arranged in the order of Employers and Contractors.

Group 6: Other provisions, including 3 articles arranged in order of risk, risk division and insurance.

Group 7: Regulations on complaints and dispute settlement, including 1 article.

The client can consider the structure, arrangement as well as the order of the terms under the FIDIC contract to be able to come up with the appropriate structure for a construction contract, avoiding repetition, duplication or lack of important elements of a contract,  especially high-value contracts.

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