Setting up a company in Vietnam

Ngày đăng: Monday, 17/12/18 Người đăng: Admin

Despite a number of significant efforts made by lawmakers throughout the entire 30 year of reforming the economy, foreign investors have never found setting up a company in Vietnam easy, both in term of cost and time. It requires sufficiently substantial paperwork to be submitted by investors to obtain the Investment Registration Certificate, and thereafter, the Enterprise Registration Certificate.

The paperwork seems changeable at a faster pace, and greatly varies from authorities to authorities, and from time to time.

In order to provide investors a clear picture, step by step procedures realising a business model, CNC prepare a series of 10 most common procedures, applicable to different criteria. The first come with “setting up a company outside special zone, with a simple office lease” situation.

Here we go: setting up a company outside special zone, with a simple office lease.

Setting up a Company in Vietnam with CNC

Setting up a company in Vietnam and finding all the services you need in one place can be a daunting undertaking for many entrepreneurs.

However, with CNC’s comprehensive support services, setting up a company and running a business efficiently is no longer a challenge.

CNC’s specialists will help you get things started by first advising you on the best legal entity that fits your business plan and goals. Then, we will take care of the entire company registration process for you.

However, our service doesn’t stop there. There are so many other things to consider for setting up a company in Vietnam: finding an office space, opening a bank account, recruiting and hiring, drafting legal documents, registering tax, etc. – and we can help you with all of these.

Get in touch with us today and we will put you in touch with the right person to handle your request. Fill in the form below.

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