Workshop “Contract Price and Payment in Construction Contracts”

Ngày đăng: Monday, 18/09/23 Người đăng: Admin

Workshop “Contract Price and Payment in Construction Contracts” During the drafting and implementation of construction contracts, the Contract Price and payment is considered one of the vital issues that deserve more attention and scrutiny from contracting parties. Since the contract price is the amount of money that employers remunerate contractors for the undertaking of specifications…

CNC assisted in the successful negotiation of the Construction Contract for Package 5.10

Ngày đăng: Tuesday, 05/09/23 Người đăng: Ngan Nguyen
CNC hỗ trợ đàm phán thành công Hợp đồng thi công xây dựng Gói thầu sô 5.10

CNC, behind the success of Package 5.10 CNC assisted in the successful negotiation of the Construction Contract for Package 5.10 CNC is honored to have successfully assisted the Airports Corporation of Vietnam (ACV) in the review and negotiation of the Construction Contract for Package 5.10: “Construction and Equipment Installation for the Passenger Terminal Building”. Package…


Ngày đăng: Thursday, 27/07/23 Người đăng: Vo Nhi

CONSTRUCTION CLAIMS & CIPAA CONFERENCE MALAYSIA 2023 On 27-28 July, “the 2023 Malaysia Conference on Construction Claims & CIPAA” is being held in Kuala Lumpur, with diverse and distinguished panels of moderators and speakers who are experts in Claims, Disputes and CIPAA adjudication in the Construction industry. This conference has attracted hundreds from various professional…

[WORKSHOP 04] Schedule Management in Construction Contract

Ngày đăng: Tuesday, 27/06/23 Người đăng: Ngan Nguyen
Workshop Quản lý tiến độ trong Hợp đồng Xây dựng

On the morning of June 24th, 2023, Workshop 04 on the topic of “Schedule Management in Construction Contract” was successfully held by CNC. Part A: Stipulations of FIDIC and the Laws of Vietnam on Schedule Management in Construction Contract The workshop began with a presentation from Mr. Tran Pham Hoang Tung – Senior Associate from…

Summary of FIDIC 2017 Contract Management Course

Ngày đăng: Monday, 05/06/23 Người đăng: Ngan Nguyen
Tổng kết Khóa học Quản lý Hợp đồng FIDIC 2017

FIDIC 2017 Contract Management Course On June 3rd, 2023, the FIDIC 2017 Contract Manage Course which lasted 2 days officially reached its conclusion. Throughout the course, the participants and Mr. Le The Hung have proactively shared and exchanged information on issues relevant to FIDIC Contracts as well as the experience of utilizing such contracts. In…

Commentary On Precedent No. 14/2017/AL On Recognition Of Unstipulated Conditions In Gift Contract

Ngày đăng: Wednesday, 24/05/23 Người đăng: Ngan Nguyen

Precedent No. 14/2017/AL pertains to the recognition of conditions of Land use right gift contracts, even if the conditions are not specified in said contract. It is a common occurrence that donors gift property such as land use rights, residential buildings, etc. to other people and the gift contract does not contain provisions on the…

Commentary on Precedent No.06/2016/AL on Inheritance Disputes

Ngày đăng: Wednesday, 24/05/23 Người đăng: Ngan Nguyen
Precedent No.06/2016/AL

Inheritance disputes involve parties – although they are common people – playing the parts of plaintiff and defendant, with relevant rights and obligations. In some cases, it is not possible to determine the identity of individuals involved in such disputes with relevant rights and obligations pertaining to an inheritance. Acknowledging and resolving this dilemma becomes a question that needs to be challenged.

Precedent 06/2016/AL revolves around an inheritance dispute – a rather complicated type of dispute involving many branches of law and governed by legal documents that have been in effect in many different periods. The following article is part of a series of topics on Precedents, undertaken by lawyers of CNC to provide readers with essential information about Precedent No.06/2016/AL and its application in practice.

Precedent No. 05/2016/AL regarding inheritance disputes

Ngày đăng: Wednesday, 24/05/23 Người đăng: Ngan Nguyen
Commentary on Precedent No. 052016AL regarding inheritance dispute

Precedent No. 05/2016/AL on the case of inheritance disputes In all reality, it is not uncommon for the descendants of the deceased to manage an inheritance and have disputes amongst the heirs who are entitled to the inheritance. At that time, the person managing the inheritance refused to release the inheritance for distribution. This is…

Commentary on Precedent No. 04/2016/AL on Contract Disputes pertaining to the Transfer of Land Use Rights

Ngày đăng: Wednesday, 24/05/23 Người đăng: Admin
Precedent No. 062024

In reality, agreements between spouses on joint property are not always in writing. In fact, it’s just the opposite – it is more commonly observed that one party (spouse) liquidates the joint property without explicit consent of the other party (spouse) – However, there are instances in which the other party does have knowledge of the transaction but object or exhibit behavior that could be interpreted as consent toward the transaction of the joint property.
Precedent No. 04/2016/AL is considered a major Precedent in Vietnam, due to the prominence of disputes over joint property between parties to a marriage, and in this particular case, the concerned property is land use rights