
FIDIC Contracts 2017 – Notable Changes: the Agenda_En

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The First Edition of FIDIC Rainbow Suites of Contract (Red Book 1999, Yellow Book 1999 and Silver Book 1999) were revised by FIDIC and introduced at International Contract Users Conference on 5 December 2017, known as Second Edition Rainbow Suite of contract or FIDIC Contract 2017 for short  after 17 years of application in reality.

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The FIDIC Contracts were revised as an attempt to meet the increasingly strict requirements of construction contract users, thereby aiming at containing some outstanding characteristics of developed contract in general and construction contract in particular, such as

[/investment_title][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”pixden” icon_pixden=”pe-7s-check” title=”Enhancing project management tools and mechanism”][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”pixden” icon_pixden=”pe-7s-check” title=”Bolstering the role of the Engineer”][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”pixden” icon_pixden=”pe-7s-check” title=”Balanced risk allocation”][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”pixden” icon_pixden=”pe-7s-check” title=”Clarity, transparency and certainty in expression and interpretation of contract provisions”][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”pixden” icon_pixden=”pe-7s-check” title=”Reflecting international best practice”][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”pixden” icon_pixden=”pe-7s-check” title=”Addressing issues raised by users over the past 17 years arising out of use of the 1999 Suite, and”][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”pixden” icon_pixden=”pe-7s-check” title=”Incorporating most recent development in FIDIC contracts, in particular the Gold Book”][vc_column_text]

The above purposes of revising FIDIC contracts will be introduced in this substantial changes in FIDIC Contract 2017 training course.

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As far as you all know, the applicable versions of FIDIC is free of choice regardless of the appearance of the latest versions. Consequently, making decision on using which FIDIC edition is of users’ option in awareness of specific context, their positions in contract and particular requirements.

This a half-day course is however, designed help practitioners have confidence in working with FIDIC documents just in case FIDIC Contract 2017 is selected.

[/investment_title][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”pixden” icon_pixden=”pe-7s-check” title=” Tender Managers”][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”pixden” icon_pixden=”pe-7s-check” title=”Business Development Managers”][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”pixden” icon_pixden=”pe-7s-check” title=”Legal practitioners advising on real estate and construction sectors”][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”pixden” icon_pixden=”pe-7s-check” title=”Practicing lawyers”][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”pixden” icon_pixden=”pe-7s-check” title=”Legal directors and corporate counsel”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][investment_title align=”left” tag=”h1″ title=”{What participants will} bear in mind” add_underline=”yes” style=”underline_small”]

Along with the debut of this Second Edition of the FIDIC Contract, the matter as to whether it is more convenient and beneficial to use this one instead of its predecessor is often raised.

Up to now, its answers have sparked controversy in the area of constructions around the world. At first glance, its ultimate objectives are progressive and welcome; however, only time can reveal to us how effectively it works and what achievements it constitutes as well as the benefits it can bring about.

[/investment_title][investment_title align=”left” tag=”h1″ title=”{Fee} structuring” add_underline=”yes” style=”underline_small”]Fee structuring depends on how the course will be conducted.

Early bird and group discounts are usually available.[/investment_title][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-money” title=”At client’s office: fixed fee of VND70,000,000″][investment_list_item style=”normal” add_icon=”yes” icon_bg=”” type=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-money” title=”At CNC’s office: VND5,000,000 per attendee”][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][investment_contact_info address=”63B Calmette St., Nguyen Thai Binh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam” phone=”(+84-28) 6276-9900″ fax=”(+84-28) 2220-0913″ email=”contact@cnccounsel.com”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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