The world is changing and changing fast. Yesterday’s solution may not work today. Hope clients find this insight helpful.

Setting up a company in Vietnam

Ngày đăng: Monday, 17/12/18 Người đăng: Admin

Despite a number of significant efforts made by lawmakers throughout the entire 30 year of reforming the economy, foreign investors have never found setting up a company in Vietnam easy, both in term of cost and time. It requires sufficiently substantial paperwork to be submitted by investors to obtain the Investment Registration Certificate, and thereafter,…

Letter of Acceptance – What you need to know

Ngày đăng: Sunday, 18/11/18 Người đăng: Admin

Letter of Acceptance – What you need to know The meaning of Letter of Acceptance is similarly defined by Federation International de Consulting Engineers (“FIDIC”) in its publication of various standard forms of construction contracts. The Letter of Acceptance is understood to be “the letter of formal acceptance, signed by the Employer, of the Letter…

Types of Enterprises in Vietnam

Ngày đăng: Wednesday, 17/10/18 Người đăng: Ngan Nguyen
Types of Enterprises in Vietnam

Vietnamese Legislators have put in significant efforts to bring up law provisions on enterprises so as to establish a necessary legal framework for individuals, organizations who desire to start doing business in Vietnam. The most obvious thing is the promulgation of the Law on Enterprises 2014 (effective from July 1st, 2015) which has expanded upon…

Selling off-the-plan housing in Vietnam

Ngày đăng: Tuesday, 02/10/18 Người đăng: Admin

The increase in housing demand and extending policies of investment in construction and housing development in Vietnam, the business operations of housing compromises of buying off –the plan is the way moving forward. In Vietnam, the legal framework of buying off-the-plan housing transactions has recently grown considerably. It started by recognising pledge, mortgage transactions[1] of…

Vietnam laws on foreign ownership of property – key changes

Ngày đăng: Monday, 01/10/18 Người đăng: hung le

Foreigners and housing in Vietnam If you are an expat working or living in Vietnam for an extended period of time, and you do not have a clear understanding of the legal procedures pertaining to housing matter here in Vietnam, this article Vietnam law on foreign ownership of property – key changes will definitely help…

Construction Contracts and FIDIC Contracts 1999

Ngày đăng: Thursday, 16/08/18 Người đăng: hung le
Construction Contracts and FIDIC Contracts 1999

For the detailed version of this article, please click here. Summary The article “Contracts for Construction according to the Law of Vietnam and Construction Contracts published by FIDIC in 1999” focuses on some fundamentals relevant to the construction field, including: Types of construction contracts Major risks arising during the construction process Differences between construction contracts…

What to expect from your FIDIC Dispute Adjudication Board Members

Ngày đăng: Thursday, 17/05/18 Người đăng: hung le

What to expect from your FIDIC dispute adjudication board members A dispute adjudication board (DAB) aims to stop disputes over FIDIC contracts ending up in commercial arbitration. FIDIC is the International Federation of Consulting Engineers, known by its French acronym. It was formed in 1913, with the objective of promoting the interests of consulting engineering…

Official Launch of the 2017 FIDIC Suite of Contracts

Ngày đăng: Wednesday, 21/03/18 Người đăng: hung le

FIDIC 2017 VS FIDIC 1999: FUNDAMENTAL CHANGES THE BACKGROUND FOR THE CHANGE As for construction field, a popular standard form of construction and engineering contract, especially First Edition Rainbow Suites of contracts published by the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) have played inevitably important role nearly past two decades. Firstly, launched in 1999, they were…

The 1999 FIDIC Contracts Comparison

Ngày đăng: Wednesday, 26/10/16 Người đăng: Admin
Commonly used FIDIC Contract forms

This article addresses an overview of key differences between the Red Book (1999), the FIDIC Yellow Book (1999) and the FIDIC Silver Book (1999). FIDIC contracts are commonly used on international construction and engineering projects. A Comparison Between The 1999 FIDIC Suite of Contracts It is indicated that legal practitioners and/or Contracts-QS Managers find difficult…