May 23rd, 2023 marked the seventh anniversary of CNC Counsel’s establishment. CNC is grateful to Dear Clients and acquaintances for sending congratulations on this special occasion.

Throughout its 07 years of operation, CNC Vietnam Law Firm Limited Liability Company has always been proud of being a pioneer and specialized brand in Vietnam on legal services in the fields of construction, real estate, enterprise, and business.
Over the last 07 years, with the trust and company of Clients – who are individuals, enterprises, CNC has gradually affirmed its position in the construction and real estate market, which is earned not only by the diversity in the services offered but also by the experience, knowledge and dedication of the staffs.
To welcome this important milestone, on May 23rd, 2023, CNC organized the 7th anniversary party. Participating in this party are members of CNC – who have witnessed and accompanied CNC throughout the journey of growth and development

Once again, CNC would like to express our deepest gratitude to Our Clients and Acquaintances. The trust of Clients is the driving force for CNC to continue with its quality and useful service in the next stretch of CNC’s journey.
Happy Birthday to CNC COUNSEL