Ngày đăng: Tuesday, 29/11/22 Người đăng: Ngan Nguyen

It is CNC Counsel’s pride and honor to organize the counseling session FIDIC 2017 Training Course for the Client, one of the leading Employers in the energy sector in Vietnam, Super Energy Corporation.

FIDIC 2017 Training Course

The FIDIC 2017 Training Course is an event specifically designed and organized by CNC Counsel to provide specialized consultancy services for customers interested in the 2017 FIDIC Contract. CNC Counsel is proud to be one of the pioneers in introducing and disseminating the FIDIC 2017 Contract among enterprises, employers, and contractors in the Vietnam construction market.

For detailed information about the FIDIC 2017 Training Course, and 2017 FIDIC Contract Management Course

Please see:

The FIDIC 2017 Training Course takes place over two days, covering all the essential and necessary content for clients to thoroughly understand, use, and optimize the 2017 FIDIC contract.

Tư vấn Hợp đồng FIDIC 2017

Counseling on the 2017 FIDIC Contract

On November 18th, 2022 CNC Counsel was honored to advise Super Energy Corporation on the 2017 FIDIC Contract through the presentation and consultation by Lawyer Le The Hung and Lawyer Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan.

To research, comprehend, and apply the terms of the 2017 FIDIC Contract, the clients, and especially those directly responsible (lawyers, site engineers, etc.) are required to have a certain degree of knowledge and practical exposure. These are the requirements for the session to succeed and provide the Client with the desired results

Hợp đồng FIDIC 2017

The FIDIC 2017 Training Course takes place over two days, covering all the essential and necessary content for clients to thoroughly understand, use, and optimize the 2017 FIDIC contract.

Counseling on the 2017 FIDIC Contract

On November 18th, 2022 CNC Counsel was honored to advise Super Energy Corporation on the 2017 FIDIC Contract through the presentation and consultation by Lawyer Le The Hung and Lawyer Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan.

To research, comprehend, and apply the terms of the 2017 FIDIC Contract, the clients, and especially those directly responsible (lawyers, site engineers, etc.) are required to have a certain degree of knowledge and practical exposure. These are the requirements for the session to succeed and provide the Client with the desired results

The FIDIC 2017 Training Course at Super Energy Corporation took place successfully with the trust and appreciation of customers. Listed below are some of the contents of the counseling session:

  1. Introduction to the 2017 FIDIC Contract
  2. Versions FIDIC 2017 Contract:
    + FIDIC Red Book 2017
    + FIDIC Yellow Book 2017
    + FIDIC Silver Book 2017 (EPC/Turnkey)

    + FIDIC Green Book 2017 (short form)
  3. New features of the 2017 FIDIC Contract in comparison to the 1999 FIDIC Contract
  4. Role of the Engineer [1]
  5. Extension of Time for Completion according to the 2017 FIDIC Contract
  6. Variation and Adjustment
  7. Claims procedures according to the 2017 FIDIC Contract
  8. Suspension and Termination according to 2017 FIDIC Contract
  9. Other items according to the terms of the 2017 FIDIC Contract

FIDIC 2017 Training Course Super Corp

1999 FIDIC Contract

The 2017 FIDIC Contract is an updated and improved version of the 1999 FIDIC Contract. Therefore, before participating in the FIDIC 2017 Training Course, the Client/ participants should also have some understanding of the 1999 FIDIC Contract templates.

To delve deeper into the 1999 FIDIC Contract, Dear Clients/Readers can explore the 12 FIDIC 1999 Contract Topics conducted by CNC Counsel. Each topic on the 1999 FIDIC Contract has been recorded and uploaded on CNC Counsel’s YouTube page.

Please watch at:

In addition, CNC Counsel is also one of the specialized legal consultants on the 1999 FIDIC Contract, Details of the 1999 FIDIC Contract Management Course are posted here: 1999 FIDIC Contract Management Course.

Some in-depth research papers on FIDIC Contracts 1999

  1. Penalty and compensation for damages in the 1999 FIDIC Contract [2]
  2. Management of the 1999 FIDIC Contracts under the effect of Covid-19 [3]
  3. Differences between the 1999 FIDIC Contract and Vietnamese Law [4]
  4. Extension of Time for Completion under the 1999 FIDIC Contract [5]
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